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Cosmocentrism, also known as cosmocentricity, refers to a major fundamental concept and belief orientation within the philosophy of Astronism that forms a foundational element to the entire Millettic philosophical tradition. Cosmocentrism is the thematic concept and belief of Astronism holding that The Cosmos, as it is known in the Millettic cosmology, and its phenomena and progeny, should become the main elements of human culture, human devotional practices, human beliefs, and human society. 

Cosmocentrism is characterised by the belief that the answers to our questions such as what is humanity's purpose? What is humanity's future? How did humanity and The Earth come to be? are all answerable through devotion to, enknowledgement of, and belief in the stars, the galaxies, the planets, and The Cosmos as a whole entity that holds all the answers to questions about the reason for our existence, how we existence, why we existence, and most importantly, are we alone in our sentient existence?

Astronism is cosmocentric by its orientation meaning that the way in which it presents itself is predicated upon the depiction of cosmic entities in art, including both phenomena and progeny, the former of which refers to cosmic events, such as supernovae, while the latter refers to celestials, such as planets, moons, and galaxies.

Cosmocentrism considers itself to be a direct descendent and extension of the pre-Millettic and scientific theory of heliocentrism, but also opposes other forms of centrism, most notably including geocentrism and anthropocentrism. 

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The Vendox is the most well known symbol of Astronism.

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